Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Can it save Genevieve’s acting career?

The title of Genevieve’s movie, Road To Yesterday, is apt for many reasons. Though it’s just another title to many people, to Genevieve herself, the title must mean a lot. ‘Road to yesterday’ is a very poetic expression. 
What does it mean? You don’t have to have the intelligence of William Shakespeare of T S Elliot to understand what this expression means to one of Africa’s most respected actresses, Genevieve. 
The meaning is quite clear and succinct. Genevieve is seeking the path back to yesterday. Yesterday, which stands for the past, she was one of Nigeria’s most sought after actresses. She was in demand, the fans were numerous, people couldn’t get enough of her. Today, which stands for now, the present, she’s no longer that hot property she was. 
Producers are no longer begging her to bless their movies with just even one scene of her presence. She’s still respected and still relevant to an extent, but that’s all due to past achievements. And the thing about experiencing stardom at the level Genevieve has done is that such people want to remain like that forever because of all the perks that come with it. Genevieve for instance, and her arch rival, Omotola, are no longer getting roles like they used to. Then,when they were getting those roles, Genevieve didn’t see any need to produce her own movie. She has now done so with Road To Yesterday, definitely with the hope that if it’s successful, her acting career will be revived.
RTY sounds promising on paper. It’s about a couple that’s trying their best to save their marriage. It stars big names that include Majid Michel and Chigurl and will premiere in Lagos next month. But will RTY save Genevieve’s acting career? That’s the big question.