• As I speak with you, she is carrying another man’s child. All I want is for the court to dissolve this
marriage and grant me custody of my children —Husband
• I want this court to dissolve the marriage. I am tired —Wife

I want this court to dissolve the union and grant me custody of my two children who are 15 and 13 years old respectively” Madueke further disclosed that he had tried to cope with her laziness for years, hoping that she would change, but that has not been the case. “She is extremely lazy. I will return home after flying for hours and sometimes for days and will have to start cooking what to eat. She would even join me in eating the food without batting an eyelid. She is so insensitive.
This has caused several quarrels between us over the years. Precisely a year ago, she packed her things and left the house, saying she could not stand our quarrels anymore. She, however, left with very important documents, including my international passport, my children’s international passport, my flight licence and other vital documents and my SUV vehicle because I was not at home when she left. “When I noticed the absence of my documents and my car, I went to her father’s house where she went to and collected my stuff from her. She was not willing to let go until I threatened to ensure that she lost her job, because I was the one who got the job for her in the first place.
After sometime, because of the children, I went back to her to plead that she should come back home so we could start our lives on a new slate. She refused and said she was through with me. I did this for over three months with no result, only for me to discover that she was actually seeing another man. As I speak with you, she is carrying another man’s child. All I want is for the court to dissolve this marriage and grant me cus tody of my children.” Mercy, on the other hand, denied all the allegations levelled against her by her husband, adding that she also wants the union to be dissolved because she was tired of the constant quarrel. “I am not pregnant for anybody and I am not dating anybody. But I want this marriage dissolved because I am tired of the constant quarrels and pain.” “He is adulterous. He sleeps with everything in skirt.
I stopped hiring house helps because he sleeps with them. He cheats on me even to my face. I want this court to dissolve the marriage, I am tired.” After listening to both parties, the case was adjourned for further hearing by the court president, Mr. Sam Aluko.
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